

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A few pics of Helen with her Grandbabies

with Christine,  Jasmine,  Jasper, & Keith(?) Bryce Canyon

with Jazza 1984

on the river with Jenna1992
with Jenna 1984

with Steve, Kim, Keith, & Terri 

with Jazza camping 1984


  1. Momonee loved her grandchildren so much!
    When I became a mother it transformed my life. When my mom became a grandmother she was this entity who played, cuddled, sang, teased, and absolutely loved and supported her grandbabies. I trusted her with them no matter long as there was an adult around. ;)
    How lucky we were to have her in our lives! How lucky these grandbabies were to have this playful, fun, always young-at-heart, game-to-do-anything, roller coaster-riding grandma in their lives!
    Oh, how I miss her...

    Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. Author Unknown

  2. Good luck on the run tomorrow! We are proud of your effots and dedication.
